Donald Trump ‘rykker nu for alvor politisk – Republikanerne vinder 5 – 0 – i en række vigtige stater – og det gør de selvom DNC / Demokraterne har postet millioner af $ i valgene – for at hjælpe egne kandidater.
Trumps politik fik det helt store – ‘Ja Stempel’ – af befolkningen – hvilket er langt vigtigere end ‘al den støj Demokraterne præsterer – med alle Fake anklagerne i Washington – genereret af Deep State Swamp.
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Democrats did hold on to a seat in California earlier this month. But Republicans are now boasting a “5-0” record in special elections for seats Democrats sought to flip — counting Georgia twice, as Ossoff was unable to lock down an outright win in the initial contest and lost to Handel in the runoff.
The Georgia race effectively had become a national battle, with Democrats pumping millions behind Ossoff and eager to cast a victory as a referendum on Trump. They didn’t get it. Now the White House is claiming a referendum on congressional Democrats.
“Republicans are going to get tired of winning if the Democrats don’t get an agenda,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on “Fox & Friends.”