Endelig en mand – der tør sige det som ‘stort set alle ‘normale’ vokse mennesker tænker.
Andrew Bolt skærer igennem – hele den totalt forskruede klima-debat.
Dybt korrupte FN – og deres 2500 mand store IPPC – luksus klima panel – som fodrer verden med forskruede/manipulerede rapporter om klimaet. Herefter bringer skoler og universiteter – skræmme kampagnerne fra FN videre – hvorefter børn og unge verden over bliver indoktrineret med løgnene.
Herunder Andrew Bolts facts om klimaet:
Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, September 26, 2019 10:31am
I promised you a list — easy to print out — of scientific facts that should stop children from being terrified that global warming will kill them. It’s time to fight this hysteria, especially after Greta Thunberg’s breakdown at the United Nations. Here’s the list. Distribute widely.
Are you terrified by claims that global warming is an “existential threat”? That there will be a “great winnowing” and “mass deaths”? That we face “the collapse of our civilisations”?
Don’t believe those scares.
You are told to believe “the science”. Well, here is some science you should believe – solid scientific facts that tell you that global warming is not as scary as you’ve been told.
Be calm. You are not in danger.
- You have never been less likely to die of a climate-related disaster. Your risk of being killed has fallen 99 per cent in the past century.Source: International Disaster Database.
- You have never been more likely to live longer. Life expectancy around the world has risen by 5.5 years so far this century.Source: World Health Organisation.
- We are getting fewer cyclones, not more.Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; Bureau of Meteorology.
- There is more food than ever. Grain crops have set new records.Source: Food and Agricultural Organisation.
- The world is getting greener. Leaf cover is growing 3 per cent per decade.Source: NASA.
- Low-lying Pacific islands are not drowning. In fact, 43 per cent – including Tuvalu – are growing, and another 43 per cent are stable.Source: Professor Paul Kench, University of Auckland.
- Cold weather is 20 times more likely to kill you than hot weather.Source: Lancet, 20/5/2015
- Global warming does not cause drought.Source: Andy Pitman, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes.
- Australia’s rainfall over the past century has actually increased.Source: Bureau of Meteorology.
- There are fewer wildfires. Around the world, the area burned by fire is down 24 per cent over 18 years.Source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center et al.
- Polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing.Source: Dr Susan Crockford.——————————-
Herunder 11 COOL FACTS – som PDF dokument: